Certified Intimacy Guide

Empowering women and men to discover the art of mindful intimacy and thrive in sex, love and relationships.

Take a moment to explore a world of connection, pleasure and self-discovery.




1:1 Sessions

Receive expert guidance and support in the realms of love, intimacy, sexuality and relationships.




Couple’s Sessions

A sensuous space to unwind and reconnect. To celebrate your relationship and discover the art of mindful intimacy.

  • “Lilian is a sensuous, playful, and inviting coach who creates and holds containers with tenderness and warmth. She is excellent at establishing a sense of trust and well-being, which is necessary for tapping into deep somatic processes such as VITA. Being coached by Lilian is gentle and effective. She is kind and generous with her time and her energy, and her insights and reflection helped me to connect to numerous aspects of myself through our time working together. Being wrapped up in Lilian’s energy is a surefire way to bring more pleasure and sensuality into your life.”

    — Eden


  • “Our sessions with Lilian helped us as a couple to wind down from our everyday activities. With an intention to notice ourselves more, together and individually, as lovers in the here and now. And to prioritize ourselves. Together. The invigorating and soul-nourishing sessions, which perhaps in these moments filled the soul above all else, gave us the opportunity to see our loved one in their best and anchored the presence of love.”

    — Triin & Hendrik


  • “Lilian is an extraordinary coach. Right from the first session, she created a space where I felt completely safe to open my soul. She always listened with great patience and understanding. Working with Lilian I saw fast and amazing transformations. I felt for a long time that I had to be careful how I dressed so as not to make the women around feel uncomfortable, that's why it was difficult for me to dress in an attractive way. After a few sessions with her, I surprised myself by buying skirts, dresses and high-heeled shoes that I started wearing more and more often, while connecting with my feminine essence. Also, Lilian helped me through various practices to connect with pleasure, the feeling that I deserve unconditionally. This helped me improve my relationship with myself and my partner. Moreover, I remember how after a session I manifested a lot of sales simply from pleasure and relaxation. I recommend Lilian wholeheartedly!”

    — Mihaela


  • “Lilian has been wonderful – she is compassionate, sweet and skilled. It was really easy to open up to her. She really understood and listened to me. Her advice and way of communicating has been truly helpful. She has been kind, discreet and sensitive. I feel our sessions have really changed me and they way I think. When Lilian guided me through practices I managed to concentrate 100%. She gave me enough time to process my thoughts and find answers inside myself. I felt her support even through our sessions were online. I liked that I had someone to speak freely and not be judged, Lilian is someone who I feel really listens. Hearing yourself say what is wrong or what you desire or dream of makes it easier to put things in perspective and work out ways forward. To be honest, Lilian has helped me to see a way forward to achieving my goals and starting a new chapter in my life! She really has some magical calming aura around her and you can even hear to it in her voice.”

    — S


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